2009 Fowlerville Family Fair Queen Laura Cuthbertson
Application Livingston County's Fowlerville Family Fair Queen
Applications are due July 10, 2010
*Email an attachment of a current, color, 5x7 photo of yourself. Bring a hardcopy of your photo into the office on the day of the contest.
*Contestants must reside in or be employed in Livingston County.
*Contestants must be between the ages of 17 - 24 at the time of the contest.
*Contestants must be born female, single, never married, nor given birth to a child.
*Contestants and / or family members or guest showing unsportsman-like behavior will lead to the disqualification of the contestant.
*The Fowlerville Family Fair Board shall determine all decisions as to the eligibility of each contestant.
*All decisions of the judged are final and irrevocable.
*If for any reason the winner is disqualified, or elects not to participate, her title and all awards including crown and sash will be returned to the Fowlerville Family Fair Queen Committee and given to the next choice of the judges.
*Immediate family members of the Fowlerville Family Fair Board are not eligible to participate in the competition.
Contestants and their parents / guardians agree to hold harmless all persons affiliated with the Fowlerville Family Fair Board / Fowlerville Agricultural Society in the case of any loss or injury occurring during or in travel to and / or from any related activities.