Vendor Info
Commercial Vendor
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee Rules
Fair Queen
Homemaker of the Year
4-H Page
Open Class
Schedule of Events
Livingston Centre Historical
Winter Storage
About us
Harness Racing
2009 Fair Photos

All applications are held throughout the fair for the year listed. New applications must be submitted each year. This is only an application for the fair, and does not guarantee you or your company a space at the Fowlerville Family Fair. Do not send payment of any kind at this time. Please fill out all information completely in order to be considered. Please email the form to fair@fowlervillefamilyfair.com  You will be required to submit a recent photo of your unit or booth set up. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office at (517) 223-8186. Thank you.

*We do not accept FOOD vendors that are not in a "Trailer Type" unit. You will be denied if you work from a wagon or under a tent of any sort. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.


$1.50 per square foot

$12.00 per foot of customer frontage


20amp service $125.00     30amp service $145.00     40amp service $175.00

Camping is $200.00 for the week and includes a 30amp service

Stock trailer on site $100.00 for week (in special areas ONLY!) otherwise see below.

*You will be charged for stock trucks, and the pricing is the same as above. This takes up space that otherwise could be used for another vendor. There is not discount for stock trucks. Vehicles are allowed on midway area before 10:00am and after 11:00pm for the convenience to restock your units.